How much should we slow down ?

Representation of the efforts that French pepole must make to limit their contribution to global warming. The objective is to have a warming of less than +2°C before the end of the century.

According to the IPCC (International Group of Climate Experts), we must limit our annual CO2 emissions to 1.5 tonnes per inhabitant so as not to exceed +2°C by 2100*. The world consumption being on average 5 tons of CO2 per year, we need to brake hard and, some countries (some people) must brake more than others. To take these inequalities into account, we will therefore consider the following sttement: if everyone was doing like me, the earth would warm up by +...°C per century **. As an exemple, if everyone did like the Senegalese, the earth would warm up by ("only") +0.4°C per century and we would achieve our goals. If everyone did like Elon Musk, the earth would warm up by +30°C per year (and become uninhabitable in a few weeks). French people contribute on average to warm the earth by +6°C by century, twice as much as the world average ***. If everyone were doing like us, we would reach the limit of +2°C in less than 15 years... More generally, these figures show that rich countries like France live well beyhond their means and need to change their way of leaving quickly and effectively to stop warming the climate.
