introduction | page 1 | page 2 | page 3 | page 4 | conclusion
Speed of global warming due to human activities.

The context of the project

- We know the earth is warming quickly and because of us (the rich countries) (1) -
- We know we reach a point of no retrun (2) -
- We speed up (3) -

These three points summarize the climate context we live in and the conclusion is simple : we are heading for a disaster. Most of the population know it but we struggle to react : today, on a global scale, we are still increasing our speed (not slowing down), and we are not preparing for the impact*. To help solving this issue, Objectif 3000 kWh aims to understand what means "slowing down" to :

But let's start by checking the situation : Where are we ? How fast do we go ? What do we expect in the futur ?


(1) IPCC, working group I, 2022 (2) (3) * "Les êtres humains n’ont plus le choix « entre » prévenir et se préparer aux impacts climatiques ; nous devons faire les deux." IPPC, 2022 .

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