introduction | page 1 | page 2 | page 3 | page 4 | conclusion
position et vitesse

Currently, we are warming the earth by +3°C per century

By warming the earth by +1°C, we already have covered two thirds of the way before reaching the limit set by scientists. We are already feeling the increase in the frequency and intensity of natural disasters (floods, droughts, forest fires, etc.) and we know that food security and access to water are highly threatened in some regions. In the end, 3.3 to 3.6 billion people, or half of human beings, live in a context highly vulnerable to climate change*.

Although the current situation is worrying, the rate at which we are warming our planet is even more frightening. Since the industrial revolution we never stopped increasing our consumption of oil, gas and coal. In 2020, we emitted enough greenhouse gases to warm the earth by +3°C per century.** At this reate, we could reach the limit of adaptation to climate change in 30 years ...


* IPCC report, Headline statements from the summary for Plicymakers, parapgraph B2. ** Augmentation des températures d'environ 0,3 °C entre 2010 et 2020 (Wikipedia, 1ère figure)

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