introduction | page 1 | page 2 | page 3 | page 4 | conclusion
situation general
Consequences of global warming depending on the mean temperature on earth. The size of the circle (contours) representes the frequency (the intensity) of heat waves compared to 2020. (Adapté de la Figure SPM.6, IPCC 2022)

We are +1°C above the baseline temperature

On a climate scale our position depends on the mean temperature on earth. This temperature depends on natural cycle (such as the glacial cycle) and human activities : by adding carbon dioxyde in the atmosphere, we amplify the greenhouse effect and warm up the earth "artificially". In 2020 we burned enough petrol, gaz and coal to increase the earth temperature by +1°C compared to its baseline temperature*.

Such warming may seem non-significant but at +1°C we already feel an increase in the frequency and intensity of natural disasters (forests fire, floods, droughts, etc ...) and we know that food security and access to water are seriously threatened in certain regions**. Scientists warn us that damage will be irreversible from +1.5°C . They also say that beyhond +2°C (limit set during the Paris agreements by the politics), we may be unable to adapt to the consequences of global warming***.


* IPCC report, working group I, Summary for PolicyMakers, Figure SPM.1, page 6 (2021) ** "Even temporarily exceeding 1.5°C warming level will result in additional severe impacts, some of which will be irreversible. " IPCC office press, working group II. *** "At two degrees we see dramatic alterations to the ability of the Earth's system to maintain the conditions that allow for human life and indeed other species’ life," says Maria Ivanova, professor at University of Massachusetts Boston.

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