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We will exceed the limit set by scientists

+3°C before the end of the century? The climate projections made by scientists seem to confirm this tendancy.*. The most optimistic scenario projects to slighlty go beyond the limit of +1.5°C before dropping below it by the end of the century. This scenario involves slowing down our CO2 emission by 2020 (which has not been done) and finding an effective way to capture atmospheric carbon in order to put it back into the ground (which has not been found yet). The worst scenario projects a constant increase of the temperature along the century, reaching +4,7°C by 2100. This scenario involves to keep increasing our consumption of fossil fuel until the ressources dry up.

To summarise, these estimates confirm that we are going to exceed the limit of +1.5°C set by scientists and we have to brake hard to stay below the limit of +2°C set by politicians (know more about this).


* IPCC report, working group II, Summary for PolicyMakers, Figure SPM.3 (2021)

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