introduction | page 1 | page 2 | page 3 | page 4 | conclusion
Carbon footprint of french people averaged among the population in 2019. I consider that 1 tonne of CO2 emitted per year contributes to a warming of +0.6°C per century (In 2020 we emitted the equivalent of 5 tonnes of CO2 per person, contributing to a warming of +3°C per century). Figure adapted from Ledoux, Rotellini, Pouvreaux, Mir and Oulié (, 2022)

We have 30 years to adapt (and change everything)

We have 30 years to stop our CO2 emissions and adapt to the effects of global warming but, is it doable ? To simply run the French public services, we contribute to a warming of +0.9°C per century*. By eating meat once a week we add +0.1°C per century**. This means that by visiting the hospital and eating a beef steak once a week, our CO2 emissions are already sufficient to reach the limit of adaptibility of +2°C by the end of the century (and I bearly exaggerate...). This can question our way of producing and our ability to brake. The reality is that, as things stand, we are sure to exceed the maximum limit of +2°C. Thus, we have 30 years to repair the brakes and stop the car. In the meantime, it would be a smart to decelerate and prepare the airbag because the road will become very slippery ...

Habits we need to change to decelerate effectively


* 1,5 tonnes de carbone pour faire tourner les services publiques (carbon 4). ** Les français émettent 900 kg de CO2 (+0,8°C par siècle) pour manger 130 g de viande par jour donc environ 7 fois moins pour pour manger 130 g de viande par semaine (+0,1°C par siècle).
*** Ref avion vs voiture vs train . Note that I am talking about French trains, powered by nuclear energy.

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